La relevancia de este trabajo se ve reflejada en las actuales crisis ambientales que
estamos cruzando hoy en día como sociedad, como ese desapego que tenemos
con la naturaleza nos ha llevado a enfrentar un futuro incierto. Una de las principales
amenazas hacia la biodiversidad es la agricultura industrializada, donde predomina
la productividad y rapidez de los cultivos, sin importar de qué manera se puedan
obtener, pasando por alto el tratar de conservar los ecosistemas nativos para así
poder conservar la calidad de los servicios ambientales que se realizan diariamente
en ellos. Generalmente se tiene la idea que la buena convivencia entre la
productividad y conservación son ideas utópicas; cuando existen actividades reales
donde sí se puede llegar a esa cooperación armónica.
The relevance of this work is reflected in the current environmental crises that
we are crossing today as a society, like that detachment that we have
with nature it has led us to face an uncertain future. One of the main
threats to biodiversity is industrialized agriculture, where it predominates
crop productivity and speed, no matter how
get, bypassing trying to conserve native ecosystems so
be able to preserve the quality of the environmental services that are carried out daily
in them. Generally, the idea is that good coexistence between the
productivity and conservation are utopian ideas; when there are real activities
where this harmonious cooperation can be reached.
The analysis of this work aims to demonstrate the importance of
recognize the interactions and perceptions that may exist between human beings
and nature -in this case, represented by wildlife-, as well as
significance of these relationships in livelihoods, production and
local tradition; in order to open the doors to good management
productive that respect wildlife, help preserve certain customs
and it is economically viable.